According to the law, you have to ship the order liked you promised as you stated in your advertisement. Your order should be shipped within thirty days unless you tell your customer otherwise. You also must notify the consumer, as quick as possible, if you can not ship the product when you said you would. Also you need to tell them the date that you are going to ship the product. Your customer needs to agree to that delay and they are permitted to cancel the order if they wish. You also need to tell them when they will receive their refund.
Again, I am not a lawyer. You do need to go to ftc.gov website and read the law.
We live in the age of outstanding customer service. The reason for this is because of social media influence. You do not want to read on Yelp.com or any other social media site that your company has lousy customer service. This is called reputation management. An unhappy customer talks more about their bad treatment than a happy customer talks about the good treatment they received. It does not seem fair but it is true.
So when you write your shipping policy comply with the Federal Trade Commission and do an outstanding service for your customers.