What is the Purpose of Your Site?

product or serviceIf you looked on the web for sites similar to yours hopefully you have made a few decisions.  Now what is going to be the purpose of the website?  Is the goal to sell products or information?  No matter if you are selling a product or service you want to become an expert on that particular item.  That is a very important issue.  Ultimately you want people to come to your site and ask you questions about what you are selling.  In fact, hopefully someday, people will ask you to come and speak at a social function.  Giving a speech on a subject that you know inside and out and make a few hundred dollars for that speech is easy money.

At that point, you will become an influencer.  Then selling your products or recommending somebody’s product is easy because you have established yourself as an expert.  Your customers trust what you say and trust your judgement.

I bring this up only to make the point that this is not some fly by night business you started up.  You are in this for the long haul.  You are always seeking new information on your product and service.

We have established you are serious about what you are doing.  First thing you need to know if there is a market.  So how do you find that out?  Pretend you are a potential customer for your kind of business.   Go to your favorite search engine and start asking questions.  I mean literally, ask the questions for example, I want to buy X, how should I go about doing this?  Go to Youtube.com and ask the same kind of question.  Do the same with Twitter and Facebook.  Start talking and asking questions as a prospective customer and it will be amazing at what you will learn