Next you need to decide on what will be the purpose of each page.
You will need a home page. The home page is the first place your visitors will go to. You want to tell them what your site is all about. Your home page will answer some basic questions and hopefully generate some interest in your site. Then you want to send them in the right direction and hopefully they will click on the page that interests them.
Next you will need a privacy policy and terms of use page. The reason you need that is because the Federal Trade Commission requires all websites have a privacy policy page. A privacy policy tells your visitors how you aregoing to protect their personal information.
You also might want a product category page to separate your products into different classifications.
You will need pages for your products. You will have to decide how many items on each page.
Then you will need a page for customers to pay for the products they buy.
You could have a frequently asked questions page.
You could have an about us page to tell your visitors who you are.
So once you decide on the names of your pages Put a page name on a piece of paper. One sheet of paper per web page. Then you are going to arrange them in a pyramid shape and put the home page at the top. Then arrange the pages in a like items together so their will be a logical structure to your website.
Go online and look at sites like yours to get a basic idea how they link their pages together. Their is no one right answer. You decide on what pages you want for your website.
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