Following People on Twitter

There are people that use Twitter and understands how it works.  My concern is the people new to Twitter and didn’t read Twitter’s Terms of Service.

They own a website and want to get traffic to that website, and they feel that Twitter would be a good idea to use for marketing.  So they sign up on  Twitter and use Twitter’s search to get people interested in certain keywords that pertain to their business.

They start following hundreds of people but no one is following them back.  Then one day they discover Twitter closed their account because of not following Twitter’s Terms of Service.

My point is do not follow everyone at once.  You can follow a few people and see if anyone starts following you back.  It will take some time to build your following but do not rush it.

I would suggest to be friendly and not start out with a lot of marketing talk about your business.  Try to get people to follow you because they are interested in what you have to say.  When they start asking  what you do for a living then you can tell them about your website.