Marketing is a combination of offline and online tactics. Your marketing strategy is what will get you the traffic you need for your website Marketing is a process that never ends. I recommend you become a student of both online and offline marketing.
For you to have any kind of marketing strategy, you need to know who your customer characteristics. Who is your perfect customer? Is he a business owner? What type of business is it? Is it a small of medium sized business?
If it is not a business, what kind of person is your perfect customer? Is he married or single? What is his income range? What type of wok does he do? What are his hobbies? Does he live in the city, suburbs or out in the country? What is his age bracket?
Once you figure out who your perfect customer is, you need to do some research online. You picked out the business you want to be in, now, go to websites that does the exact same thing you want to do and look at how they market their products of services. Do they use social media? Do they use newsletters? If it is practical, buy their product to see how you are treated. Then return the same product and see how you are treated. After awhile you will start to get ideas on ways you can market your site.
Do the identical same thing using Twitter. Look around and see how people are using Twitter to market their products and services.
On Twitter, you can start talking as if you are interested in buying one of their products. Then watch how they get you from Twitter to being on of their customers.
So, who is your perfect customer and what are other sites doing to market their merchandise or services.