Also you are going to want graphics to dress up your pages. Ideally I would suggest to making your own graphics and taking your own pictures. As far as pictures are concerned, I am sure you have a smart phone. You will probably need a header image on your website. Being a little creative, I am sure you can take some pictures that relate to your website content.
As far as creating your own graphic is concerned, I would find a free online drawing program that you like. I personally use The choice of programs you use is up to you.
Each page will have your signature design both color and graphics. This does not have to be complicated just consistent.
In addition, put your important information at the top of any page. No one likes to scroll down a page. Do not put too much information on a page. White space is very important on a web page.
In conclusion you need to decide on what colors your site will be and be creative with your graphics and images you will use on your website. If you look at websites on the web, You will get many creative ideas for inspiration.