Create a Facebook Page and Create Good Content

Facebook has an incredible amount of users therefore, creating a Facebook Page would be a great idea.

What kind of content would you put on your Facebook Page?

You can tell people about the benefits of them owning your product.  You could tell success stories from what your customers have told you.

If you are coming out with something new then you could tell them about that.

You could tell them how you got into the business in the first place.

When a customer has a question, you can respond right away.

You could go to other Facebook Pages to get ideas on what to talk about.

Don’t just dive right in, plan your strategy.  This is an ongoing type thing.  You will be doing this for a long time.  You could use a spreadsheet and a month by month strategy.

You should monitor your content to see if anyone is liking your content or even sharing it.

The whole idea of doing this is to keep your current customers interested in what you’re selling.